我根据段洪刚老师藏书--英文版【中国当十铜元】,拍照。回家,慢慢打字出来,自己仔细核对。也许有错。 面版:
AF. A new appearance to a general design made by the Taiyuanfu(Shanxi)mint. Curiously enough the top legend 中华民国 (Chung Hwa Ming Kuo)has been substituted by the characters reading 中华铜币(Chung Hwa Tung Pien); at the bottom 当制钱十文(Tung Tsu Chien Shih Wen). large star at sides . the circle is linear.
AG. similar to type AF,but characters in a different hand . note the great difference in the shape of the nine-point star in the military banner . knot of cords in the centre tied in a modified manner.
AH. being the third of the set AF/AH produced by the Taiyuanfu(shansi) mint in a general design . this die is identified by the pronounced lines forming the fringes of the military flag, the lowest point of the star of which touches one of those fringes.
AJ the last republican die made by the Taiyuanfu(Shanxi) mint,and which, due to its striking features and individuality , needs no description
AY. ostensibly for the use of the military only .壹分 in centre surrounded by a circle of 71 beads. legend at top 军工工友消费证(chun kung kung yu shiao fei cheng , which translates:token (for) consuming (food at) civilians by (the) military. at the bottom 民国十七年, showing that it was issued in 1928,the year following the one when the kuoming parti rose into power.
此帖子已经被土狼泉友于2013-2-18 21:10:07
背版 28. just a plain crown of rice stalks and ears with the characters 壹枚 in the centre.
29. identical with type 28,but a new die recognizable by the rice stalks.
30. here also the remarks on type 29 apply.
31. once again a new die with the same notes as for type 29.
32. although of the same general design as for type 28,the rice stalks, ears and leaves are very much larger.
50. a twelve-point star in the centre surrounded by a 71 dot circle. the inscription is the same as for the obverse AV.