【英文】拿破仑币章史 1796-1815
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Medallic history of Napoleon-A collection of all the medals, coins, and jettons, relating to his actions and reign. From the year 1796-1815, by Aubin Louis Millin, & James V. Millingen -.pdf
I understand that this publication is a reproduction of a very old work and that such reproductions often contain imperfections. That said, this one was a great disappointment. While the text portions are fine, the plates (drawings of the medals) are virtually worthless. Only a very few images are clear enough to be identifiable; most are only partially complete or nothing more than faded circular outlines. Some of the "images" are nothing more than smudges. I can imagine that it was extremely difficult to reproduce the images, and perhaps this is the best that could be done with the original that was available, but my thoughts are that if the result is so poor, why even bother to reproduce it? ...anything to make a buck, I guess.