[纵横拍卖] 9月20.纵横秋季百万拍卖会F [纵横拍卖] 9月25日,老藏家秋季百万专场E [纵横拍卖] 12月22日纵横冬季百万拍卖会B [纵横拍卖] 百项钱币130场,12月25日圣诞节开拍
本页主题: Chinese coins and banknotes in American,, dry up!!! 人气:1508 | 收藏主题 | 上一主题 | 下一主题

buychinaforfun [离]

2011-09-28 11:17 查看作者资料 发送短消息 引用回复这个帖子 [楼 主]

Chinese coins and banknotes in American,, dry up!!!

come to St. Louis, MO to attend a conference and visit Scotsman coins and Jewry, the largest coin store in this area. The business is brisky as precious metal price rides roller coster and many collectors are selling......

get a chance to chat with Norman, its foreign coin specialist. Per Norman, Chinese coins and banknotes have been drying up quickly since last years. Scotsman used to have tons of Chinese coins, old and new. somehow, they are dispersed already. The only coins on his desk are bunches of Japanese copper coins with square hole. American dealers are aware of the golden rush in Chinese market. They would, if they get any, put the items on the auctions for better price.they would not sell the Chinese coins and banknotes to retail customers. It seems that there is a limited  chance for treasure hunt at least in large cities in America....

by the way, I purchased a bunch of large chinese unicorn coins through a very strong and truest relationship..... Like China, relationship, of course a good one, makes huge difference


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